
New Leap for Dings with Global Partners

To commemorate the relocation of Jiangsu DINGS' new factory in May 2024, an opening ceremony was held on June 26, 2024, inviting DINGS' overseas basements and global business partners.

The event was a large-scale success, with many employees from DINGS' overseas basements in the United States, Korea, and Japan participating, along with 30 invitees from 11 countries, including Germany, Italy, the UK, France, the Netherlands, Israel, India, and Singapore. Additionally, 8 partner companies from China and Korea, including strategic partners and investment subsidiaries of DINGS, participated, bringing the total number of attendees to 50.
After completing all attendance processes in the morning, the 50 guests were divided into three groups and toured the main office showroom and the first and second factory buildings for 90 minutes. They inspected the top-level processing and measurement equipments, receiving high praise from many customers.

Many international participants, who have been involved in global business with DINGS' for over 15 years, directly observed the remarkable progress achieved by President Mr. Ding Quanjun and extended their encouragement and congratulations to all employees.
Mr. Ding, who led the overall event, emphasized that the purpose and direction of this event were not just to introduce the new factory but also to share DINGS' future business strategies and directions, laying a foundation for a better business environment.

Through the leaders of DINGS' overseas subsidiaries, the business development directions and business areas of each basement were shared. Following this, 13 new product technology materials, prepared by all engineers across the company, were introduced to share DINGS' product portfolio and market entry strategies. This event also provided an opportunity to introduce the products of Dings' 8 solid partner companies from China and Korea, showcasing DINGS' robust global network.
The product exhibition, attended by 50 participants and nearly 50 managers from development, manufacturing, quality, and sales, was also successfully held.
In the evening, a dinner banquet was held at the FUDU VOCO Hotel Diamond Grand Ballroom. This event provided a great opportunity for more exchanges that couldn't take place during the day, fostering stronger friendships and partnerships.

Other global partners who could not attend this time are scheduled to visit DINGS' separately, and DINGS' plans to continue to invest heavily in global marketing to design the future with all partners.